The history of the Cefer Reproduction Institute is the story of an illusion: that of helping thousands of people and couples to give birth to a new life.
Do you know why our experience is so special? We are one of the pioneer fertility clinics:
In 1977 we started our activity with the first Semen Bank in Spain.
We were pioneers in the application of In Vitro Fertilization techniques, which we carried out since 1982.
We became first in Spain and second in the world when in 1993 we started the egg donation program and the semen washes of seropositive men with AIDS virus or hepatitis C, thus achieving pregnancies without risk of infection to the couple.
In 1999 we published the first work worldwide to obtain spermatozoa in paraplegic men who do not ejaculate.
In 2001 we created the first Egg Bank in Spain.


Our Address:

C/Marquesa de Vilallonga, 12. Despacho 21 Barcelona

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Lily B. April 5, 2019 6:42 pm

At the Cefer Institute, they helped me take one of the most important decisions of my life, which was to be a mother.
Their extensive experience is a guarantee of success.